Montag, 21. Dezember 2015


The company with the two faces!
On the one hand uses the company the resources of the open source community. On the other hand, the company accused the open source community of alleged copyright infringement, although the information processing techniques in question have been applied since the beginning of its existence as a common mechanism for detecting patterns in data streams.
During the employment of the author of this website at Trend Micro Germany, it was common practice to compare related source code from the open source community to verify the feature compliance of its own software products and to ensure enhancements and optimization of the own products, if necessary.

At that time Trend Micro was in a widely unstructured state of a start-up company where well defined processes were ignored by everybody or were not yet established. By the author of this website such standards were firstly introduced to Trend Micro in order to meet at all the security requirements which were presented by Trend Micro to the outside world. At this time mechanisms were used by the staff of Trend Micro and delivered to customers, where its vulnerability have been discussed for many years and often commented by UNIX and Linux professionals but nevertheless were still ignored studiously by Trend Micro.
During the employment of the author at Trend Micro it came to pass that contrary to its outside representation, Trend Micro more than neglected its own security claim for the company's internal systems. On their own systems neither procedures were considered for safeguarding the own data nor system safeguarding by redundancies.
Attention: Linked documents will be translated asap to English. Meanwhile use Google translator

So, it happened one day that Trend Micro had to reconstruct their own product resources on tedious way after a loss of a complete source tree by reverse-engineering. The loss of the source tree of its own software products led over years to binding considerable manpower resources for the reconstruction of its own software systems which were not available therefore for other areas, such as threat-pattern investigation, threat pattern analysis and feature enhancements. An analysis of Trend Micro threat pattern from that
time might indicating more generic patterns based on generators instead of identification patterns obtained by threat investigation and analysis. Beside the lost source tree the disaster scenario was also determined by common phenomenon of an undeveloped awareness of aspects of software security, software stability and sustainable troubleshooting within the Asian culture. Recognized quality defects of the software were often not effectively analyzed and fixed, but made it unrecognizable through makeshift solutions. This resulted to issues which frequently caused multiple efforts for analysis and troubleshooting of always recurring, same or similar problem scenarios at customer sides.
As in the virtualized test environment of Trend Micro Germany has been as well ignored all aspects of a system restitution and due to the disastrous experience of the source tree loss and frequent local system failures, the author of this website felt himself compelled to develop a fully-automated backup and recovery solution in his spare time for the virtualized testing lab. He had driven this development in his spare time, because according to information of the former team leader no budget and no manpower resources were available to enable a solution within normal working hours. So, the author forego on any holidays and free weekends for several years in order to ensure the continued existence of their business perspective of Trend Micro. The author had made this commitment not because of pure developer passion, but knowing that system downtime would never be blamed to the management level, but always as inadequacy of executing persons as well as against the backdrop of disastrous experiences after the mentioned system failures.
Even during normal working hours considerable overtime already have had incurred due to under-sizing of the support team. Together with the project realization in his spare time it has caused a work time load for the author in summary of around 500 hours per month. This corresponded to the average workload of approximately of three employees which has been done by the author alone for Trend Micro without any adequate payment or other appropriate compensation therefore.
The backup and recovery solution was finally installed on a VMware cluster with several hundred virtualized host systems with different platforms over several years successfully used and had therefore not only saved a not inconsiderable investment budget for Trend Micro but ensured also many times its ability of acting by prevented system failures. The backup and recovery solution was capable of fully automated cover all requirements of workplace environments on virtualized infrastructures up to large server infrastructures with distributed, encapsulated and separate network segments, taking into account interim and target repositories, as well as snapshot backups and even covering incremental and full backups by considering online and offline modes. The backup and recovery solution of the author was already used over several years during the period of his employment at Trend Micro without any human intervention, and had thus undoubtedly proved the proof of their reliability.
The details about the functioning and the functionality of the backup and recovery solution can be found in the following documentation:

AllProjects.pdf (January 2006 til July 2009)

AllProjectsEng.pdf (January 2006 til July 2009)

Fight against bullying and harassment!
The efforts of the author to bring the company in accordance, which can be associated with its external representation of a security company was literally thwarted by colleagues of the German branch. It seems they saw probably a threat to their own

comfortable conditions by the commitment of the author, which allowed them to hide missing skills and lack of motivation behind formally cloaked responsibilities. The initial support of his commitment by the team management changed over the Time to denunciation, insulation and blatant discrediting of the author. The harassment were undoubtedly based on mechanisms of esprit de corps in a relationship of old networks patronage and culminated in the dissemination of falsehoods and even assaults against the author. Apparently those responsible, including the team leader, represented a notion that victims have to accept their acting without any contradiction. This shows thus undoubtedly those similarities to descriptions by survivors of the injustice system, where people have had to expect the worst consequences, if they only dared to rebel against injustice. We must remember to the monstrous dimensions of such expectations from time witness descriptions of the injustice system, where people who denied the instructions of their tormentors, have been unceremoniously shipped alive in incinerators where they suffered a painful death martyrdom. The perception of responsibility towards our history should actually let ringing everyone's inner alarm clock, because of the analogous mechanisms of our disastrous history and should lead to an immediate termination of such behavior patterns.
Instead we must recognize, the unreflected action, often themed by historians, of involved persons which had led to the inevitable disaster in the historical template. We must therefore again attest to the protagonists of such acting those missing ethical, moral and characteristically maturity, which caused historians and philosophers to the assessment and consistent demand, never again to transfer power to those people, whose characteristically and intellectually abilities does not meet the requirements of a conferred duty, task or function. The analogy to the historical template went as far as, to demand from the author as a victim a silence about what happened and even about him befallen pain. From analog historical occurrences, the world public community recognized once a degradation of victims

while they would be deprived of their identity by such silence decrees which thereby would dehumanizes them. Deriving from realizing this, the world public community has proclaimed once the Universal Declaration of human rights and in particular the human right of freedom of expression in order to never let it happen again that erroneous trends can be escaped from awareness of the international community. With the proclamation of human rights, the world community has eluded any justifying reasons for all efforts of preventing the notice of such occurrences by the international community.
Unauthorized usage of the intellectual property of the author!
The shown bullying activities by employees of Trend Micro Germany eventually resulted for the author of this website to the loss of his employment as well as the loss of his private health insurance and his private pensions insurance. The author of the site was thus driven systematically into a perspective of poverty in old age by employees of Trend Micro Germany. The intention behind seemed to be, to push the author into living conditions which ensures the gratuitous exploitation of his backup and recovery solution which he realized for Trend Micro but was never been paid by her. The Managing Director of Trend Micro Germany Günther Untucht seemed as a failed lawyer to reliance on the docile complicity of the German judicial system which had shown already repeated in the German judicial history itself closed against the suffering of victims. As examples of the deeply rooted practice of complicity in the German judicial system in favor of offending parties, the attention is drawn to compensation procedures of forced laborers and victims against companies and institutions from the time of the injustice system and compensation cases of thalidomide victims against the polluter of their destiny. In all those cases the fault of perpetrators has been trivialized, downplayed and small talked by the German judicial system and thus the constitutional obligation of the protection of the individual as the highest right ostentatiously abrogated.
Since during the whole employment of the author of this website, Trend Micro did not had any points of contact with cloud technologies and its marketing of such solutions began immediately after the author's ejection as well as due to the striking equality of various features of their cloud and SafeSync solution with features of the author's backup and recovery solution, there is no doubt that Trend Micro's marketed solutions were realized based on the backup and recovery solution of the author or derived from this solution.
The author of this website had communicated to Trend Micro his related suspicions by asking for clarification about this topic and informed them also about his intention of a public documentation of the case. Probably knowingly, that the European Court of human rights had denied any justification for the prevention of documentation related to the disclosure of abuses by interim disposal, Trend Micro Germany nevertheless instructed lawyers to stop the documentation of the author by interim disposals.
The lawyers instructed by Trend Micro did also not shrink back from methods, which were once identified at the Nuremberg war crimes tribunal as crimes against humanity and thus was therefore deprived of any justification. Similar to practices of the system of injustice where unwanted populations or ethnic groups have been intimidated by slurs, defamation and smear campaigns with the intention to cause them on renouncing their rights, had the lawyers of Trend Micro tried to damage the author by false allegations and exaggeration of the statements of the author in the monstrous whose credibility. According to the war crimes tribunal, it must be emphasized that in the system of injustice the protagonist of such smear campaigns Julius Streicher, pursued an intention to affected groups to drive them into suicide or to expose them of the danger of liquidating by third parties. Consequently, no justification could happen in a constitutional state to such practices, if mechanisms become into consideration, which normally are contrary to democratic ideas. If nevertheless such mechanism becomes into practice, then an awareness of a reprehensible conduct must be only assumed as final motivation.

More documentation content are accessible via the link beside.