Montag, 26. September 2016


Law case: 9 Ga 129/15
Date: 05.09.2105
My dismissal

  • I was dismissed in an ad hoc way after returning from a short vacation break
  • Before Karin Martin together with Jochen Strobl had been acted against me with
    a threatening behavior
  • The symptom of a compulsory redundancy would be to finish the current tasks in a
    smooth way by ending the employment with a farewell drink
  • After my dismissal TMJP started their Cloud campaign
  • Because of security aspects are cloud solutions always based on UNIX/LINUX technologies
  • That's all indications that my dismissal was based on bullying attacks and not caused by compulsory redundancy
My legal viewpoint

  • My public documentary is a legal procedure referring article 10 of the ECHR
  • The human rights has been declared due to that mankind is not to be compelled to have
    recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression
  • The tyranny wasn't established by some evildoers but by the unconsidered doing of
    many people
  • That's the reason why documentaries cannot be prevented by interim injunctions
    otherwise it would not be possible to oppose against a re-establishment of a system
    of injustice
  • The acting of people relating to my dismissal was surely caused by unconsidered
    doing of them

My Expectation

  • Compensation of the lost of my private pension insurance
  • Compensation of the lost of my private health insurance
  • Compensation of the enormous overtime hours during my employment
  • Compensation to the interruption of my career advancement to directors level
  • Compensation for using my Backup/Recovery solution as baseline of
    TMJP's cloud solution
  • Compensation for the mental suffering caused by the bullying attacks preceding
    my dismissal