Samstag, 28. November 2015


Comments on the motivation
Our history tells us unmistakably not to close the eyes on wrong occurrences happened in the past as happening presently, but designating such issues clearly and obviously in order to de-legitimize it and preventing thereby a possible ominous history repeating.
This claim of a perception of responsibility has led to the proclamation of human rights as a result of the historical occurrences of the 20th century. Thereby the human right of freedom of speech covers the elementally importance making ominous developments already in the approach recognizable in order being in the situation to handle such kind of issues in generally. From our history, we must recognize that restrictions of human rights have led that human rights has been disregarded by companies, organizations and institutions and the violation has been ignored by regulatory authorities, public officials and judicial authorities, which has caused that this occurrences have made possible in our history. Without a doubt, this is the essential reason why the right to freedom of speech must not be restricted by a potentially detrimentally public perception of companies, organizations and institutions.
Exactly, this correlation has been stated by the European Court of human rights several times already. Despite their historical failures by complicity and submissive acting, the explanation of the  European Court of human rights will be ignored ostentatiously by the German judicial system until today.
The reasons seem to be caused by the never happened reclamation of the burdened own history. For anyone with responsibility awareness, the unshakeable criterion of his acting must be the perspective of the European Court of human rights therefore and not the un-reflected acting of the German judicial system, which was repeated attributed a significant role in the emergence and establishment of several German injustice systems by the scientific historical research. Following this ethical maxim, a responsible acting person may face calmly the possible intimidation of German lawyers or of the German judicial system, since before the eyes of world public opinion no justification would be placed of such action certainly.

Documentation of abuses

The author of the documentation has decided now to document underlying occurrences publicly. The motivations for this are and were that he is not able to ignore the happened and currently happening wrongly occurrences which are following the mechanisms, which once were identified by the scientific historical research as major cause of the greatest humanitarian disaster. From his point of view, a let it happen would lead once again to a spiral down to a predetermined system of injustice, because it would extend the inhibitions and thus would initiate an escalation mechanism which once will have reached a point, from which an ominous trend will be no longer reversible. The author is aware that this step might lead to a premature end of his life. But on the other hand, he has also the belief that the occurrences must be brought to public attention, to initiate a reflection on ethical and moral values and the consequent interaction with others.
The author has not easily made its relevant decision and lived through many inner struggles, but finally it had encouraged his convictions. From this inner conflict nearly paralyzed, the author leaves the readers of the documentation the assessment, whether his decision is understandable and justified.

His knowledge about historical contexts and causes and effects of historical occurrences showing him also that constant brooding and lack of decision about the right way is not suitable to solve problems, but could damming the problems into insurmountable obstacles. For this reason, the author decided to continue along the path which he had begun and to bear the consequences of this decision.