Dienstag, 29. Dezember 2015


Employment at SIGNALIS

The author of this website had himself 2011 advertised through an intermediary at the SIGNALIS GmbH and exclusively negotiated with this all conditions of an employment. Due to an alleged budget representation issue it was orally agreed at the time to depict the employment relationship to the 01.03.2012 for half a year as temporary work through an intermediary in order to convert it then in a fixed unlimited employment at SIGNALIS. A personal contact between the author of the website and employees of the intermediary only surrendered until more than one year after commencement of the employment at SIGNALIS. This is an undoubted evidence that the employment relationship was caused by mediation and not an employment relationship of a temporary work.
The author had explicitly pointed out before his employment that he could aim only a permanent unlimited employment because of his age, because he would otherwise face to a perspective of poverty in old age with an inevitable consequence of a self-determined premature end of life.
The contact persons Mr Marcus Krol and Mr Kai Schmidt of the company SIGNALIS had let faith the author of this website at that time not to abuse his life situation by taking advantage on a selfish manner. The author had brought confidence to the promises of the SIGNALIS contacts in the assumption that taking improper advantages might be an issue for untrustworthy small business as a possible motivation of the acting but not for subsidiary of a global corporation with a global reputation. Relying on fair dealing of the author was therefore also not being questioned because the perception of our

Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte

responsibility towards our burdened history has been always highlighted by high-ranking society representatives on official occasions and often the abuse of employments by forced labor in the system of injustice will be particularly exposed as basic idea of admonition against the forgetting. The author of this website had assumed that his ethics codex would have been rooted with employees of a global corporation also. It was not assumed that perception of responsibility would be disregarded against the burdened German history and human rights in German companies would be abused and the confessions to ethical values would only be used as an
alibi behind closed doors.
Disregard of the principle of good faith
The author of this Web site has the ethical claim to never let it happen again the mechanisms of fraudulent deception which runs like a thread through the sinister German history starting from the invasion of Poland, continuing to wrong promises of trivialized resettlement to ethnic groups and dissidents and up to the deception of

the real function of shower facilities in concentration camps. Based on our burdened history the author of this website was so far considers that from the resulting knowledge a same ethical claim should be manifested into the German consciousness and thus also into the awareness of German companies and therefore the principle of good faith should have an essential meaning without any relativization. The disregard of the promise of his takeover to a permanent employment, seems to indicate however to different value principles.
Obviously in today's reality of this country the dealing with temporary workers has been still regarded as justifiable comparing to the intentional deception of the injustice system where the survival of foreign workers was only granted as long as an appropriate exploitation of their working was expected. Therefore we must without doubt take note of the similar intention of the system of injustice, where foreign workers had been led to the destruction, latest once if their actually or supposedly performance couldn't be exploited no longer.

As a means to an end not an active destruction of victims will be propagated as it not longer can be conveyed but the more subtle mechanisms that allows polluters according to the principle of Pontius Pilate, denying any responsibility from himself. Workers beyond the 50 umpteenth years of life have no chances on the labor market in Germany and are thus afflicted to force the own suicide as only way in his eyes to escape the wasting away perspective of poverty in old age. Thus, the affirmation of the destruction of humans whose usefulness supposedly seemingly not to be given any more, isn't fundamentally deprived but is only delegated with claim of inevitability to affected individuals in order to relieve the own conscience by the proverbial 'washing of his hands'.
This conveys thus not only a handling of a hypocrite with the own perception of responsibility towards our past but also the cynical attitude of the injustice system which demonstrated to victims through perverted sayings like 'to each his own' showing them daily before their eyes the own aggrieved situation.

The original meaning comes from the Latin 'suum cuique', which wanted to be understood as justice against all members of a community as a moral principle and not as it has been interpreted by the injustice system as cynical commentary on one's 'proper lesson' for the excluded victims of a supposed community. It can not be hidden, that the dealing with temporary workers nowadays is subject to the same unreflective, inhuman analogue mechanisms which has been expressed at that time by the characterization 'to each his own'.
Manifestation of his commitment
Already at the beginning of his engagements at SIGNALIS the author had to compensate alone five highly paid external subcontractors, as their collaboration ended after disagreements due to a plan less project implementation and a consequently uncoordinated project collaboration. The compensation of this external subcontractors caused already for the author significant overtime with usual working hours from 7:00 am until 23:00 at night where much of this overtime remained unpaid because of limiting working time regulations. The author was the one who left the company continuously as the last while internal employees usually went to the evening already within the period from 16:00 to 17:00. Obviously the managers of SIGNALIS calculated to their expectation that the unsafe situation of temporary workers would already cause them to perform multiples of internal staff without complaints. A such expectations to employees is therefore exactly the same as those mechanisms which is handed down to us from descriptions from witnesses about forced labor within the injustice system. Like at that time too, is hereby determined the phenomenon of non-perception of suffering of the counterpart which causes thus to an ignorance against the unsafe employment of temporary workers. As in this time also, the non-perception of the suffering of others causes an embellishment of the living conditions of concerned persons, which will be illustrated by the retrospective evaluation of evildoers about their own function within the system of injustice, where for example the commander of the counterfeiting of British pounds tried to represent with full inner conviction their doing as generosity toward the victims of the action.
The different perception of responsibility regarding the project progress between internal and external SIGNALIS staff caused before a quality assurance of the customer eventually that the system to be implemented was in such unstable condition which already led to deadlocks after few hours and thus neither the system could be operated properly, let alone would have withstood a quality certification of the Customer. Although, due to the status of this system, a customer's rescission of the project contract was to be

expected, no internal SIGNALIS staff felt responsible to analyze and to eliminate the unsustainable condition.
Even after the unexpectedly successful quality certification, the author was the only one employee who decisively furthered for months the progress of the project and ensured the stability of the system. The immense overload of the author led eventually that he had to survive two life-threatening incidents with emergency operations. One of these life-threatening occurrences led to a more than a year lasting disability, with almost total restriction of the movements of his left arm. Despite this significant reduction of his ability of working, the author could allow himself only a short break for a convalescence in order to still provide with considerable pain then his manpower.
In this context must be pointed out once again the different perspective between company employees and temporary workers. As luck would have it that at the time of his employment and his two life-threatening diseases of the author also two internal SIGNALIS employees fall to ill with indications which went beyond a normal flu-like infection. While the author only could allow himself a break for convalescence of one to two weeks, was the internal SIGNALIS employees a break to the their full recovery by several months until allowed to 1.5 years, despite much harmless symptoms. Everyone who even had a more closely look to the disastrous German history, will recognize the discrepancy, often themed from scientific historical research, which once let the employees of concentration camps celebrate omitted after work , while right next door the victims of their unreflective acting had to endure untold suffering and unspeakable privations. As a reflective of the German history, one stunned faces usually toward such differing perceptions of a reality. But the more one looks at the subject matter, that better one will realize at the end, that this seems to be exactly the key and the explanation of the ultimate question, why such monstrous occurrences could happen at all in a supposedly civilized country.

Exactly this phenomenon of overlooking over his suffering saw the author himself exposed as he yet tried over a period of more than one year to fulfill his work performance due to his disease and his associated handicap. Everyone who are accustomed to daily handling with laptop or personal computer should be able to understand the immense constraint, if he would just try for a limited period to operate his work with just one hand.
Despite his health limitations associated with significant pain, which required a daily high dose of painkillers, the author was forced to continues to advance progress almost single-handedly. For the author had gave the impression that his life situation would be targeted deliberately and systematically abused by the project management. An acceptance of the health damage of the author by the project management of the SIGNALIS

meets without any doubt the international established criteria for the definition of forced labor. This includes criteria such as deterioration of health which, was given through a multiple performance expectations to the author in comparison to internal SIGNALIS employees. As further criteria has to be named the discriminatory nature in which the author will be exposed to a distress where he had to compensate project delays by his working overtime caused by the early completion of work from internal SIGNALIS employee. After the second emergency doctors' call, the author suffered a permanently damage of his health, which supports the adoption of being exposed to forced labor.
In the further progress of the project, a software technical connection of the customer project of SIGNALIS to the customer's host system was realized by the author. The requirements for these interfaces software was to enable control and monitoring mechanisms on the host system of the customer for the customers project realized by SIGNALIS. The author also covered this task after several internal SIGNALIS employees as well as external subcontractors have had failed to implement the project. Also for this project part the author compensated the implementation attempts of a total of 8 internal and externally SIGNALIS employees, which caused another significant amount of in majority unpaid overtime.
Responsibility awareness in companies
The scientific historical research shows clearly that the formation and establishment of the worst injustice system of human history was no consequence suddenly occurring monsters, but has to be attributed largely on the unreflected acting of individuals. With consideration of that affairs, we must bring to our memory, that forced laborers in the injustice system was requested from companies and on these was no pressure imposed from outside to an employment of forced labor quotas therefore. The responsibility to respect ethical principles and human rights was therefore primarily directed on decision makers in companies. Even today, the responsibility to respect ethical principles and human rights is primarily still directed to decision makers in companies. The previously presented arguments show a continuity of temporary work unequivocally today with the intentions of forced labor of the injustice system. In both cases, the decisive motivation of compensation of personnel shortages is a non-acceptance of responsibility, as well as a selfish overreaching against temporary workers. This realization has the consequence that a commitment to the perception of responsibility toward the burdened German past must been requested from today's companies and their decision makers.
Such a perception of responsibility can not consist in a behavior of repeating the patterns of the system of injustice and supposedly showing oneself ignorant about occurrences with historical contexts. Analogous to the criminal principle of 'Ignorance does not protect against punishment', must be applied here the ethical, moral principle 'Ignorance and excessive demand of intellectuality does not protect against the obligation of the perception of responsibility'.

Because of our history, it is not acceptable that decision makers in companies disregard the principle of' good faith' and exploiting temporary workers by a selfish motivations in order to let them fall in an inescapable existential destruction. Perception of responsibility must not degenerate into an alibi function of periodically recurring remembrances, but must determine our everyday acting. This is the quintessence of scientific knowledge, according to which the system of injustice was no consequence suddenly occurring monster, but was a consequence of unreflected acting of individuals.
A perception of responsibility which prepend the interests of a company, institution or any other grouping before the individual interests of job seekers disregards the constitutional regulations where the protection of individual has been manifested as the highest right, as consequence of the worst occurrences of in human history. An pursue of interests which is only oriented on companies, institutions, and groups disregard also the historical facts, that negative developments had never been caused by individuals, but have been always caused by companies, institutions and other groups in a historical consideration.

Temporary work lacks any justification because of the following summarized criteria.
  • Missing justification of temporary work due to historical template of the forced labor
  • Disregard of the consequently historical responsibility
  • Continuum of practice of a complicity of the injustice system
  • Disregard of the protection of individual rights as highest values related to the constitutional law
  • Disregard of the consideration of the lessons relating to our burdened history
  • Disregard of any ethical principles
  • Disregard of the human dignity

More documentation content are accessible via the link beside.