Dienstag, 15. Dezember 2015


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Unfortunately, the German legal system often has a propensity to prescribe people how they should have interpreted Article 19 of the UDHR. Every historian will hereby recognize those mechanisms, which can not remain hidden us as major causes of the worst injustice system of the human history.
Everyone with rationality arises therefore the question, when will by this legal system finally perceived that responsibility due to its burdened past and follows a turnaround of its unreflective claim which neither will be covered nor justified by any laws with universal validity, beginning from the Universal Declaration of human rights, over the European Convention of human rights until to the German Constitutional Law. With this claim, we must certainly recognize that attitude of an obscure sense of Justice, which is preserved us by the quotation of Roland Freisler's "we need no law, who is against us, will be destroyed" and which keep us in mind the risk of a re-establishment of a system of injustice based on a supposedly constitutional-oriented legal system through disregarding of laws with universal validity.

We must ever again recall to our memory that in any existing injustice system ever the injustice was not assumed by other groupings than judicial and executive authorities or military organizations. Also we have to remember the findings of scientific historical research, according to which the emergence of a injustice system can not be traced back to a sudden appearance of monsters, but must be attributed always to the unreflective behavior of individuals (highlighted by members of the judicial and executive authorities). Moreover, we must remember also, that there is no fundamental different characterized properties between workers of the offender organizations of the injustice system and workers of the current successor institutions. Once and now people who decided to work for executive and judicial authorities commonly prefer a dominant State power contrary to the rights of individuals and are thus already conditioned to the unreflective and unscrupulous allegiance. Before this background to abandon our obligation of vigilance against the acting of members of judicial and executive authorities, would be tantamount to that historic failure of humanity which has made possible by the practice of seeing away the outrageous occurrences of the 20th century in a supposedly civilized and cultural society.

Be committed to the postulate of his responsibility of the burdened German history as well as be accused never again of looking away, has the author of this site prompted to rely on Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to document those legal cases publicly, which must be written undoubtedly, again arising by the acting of members of judicial and executive authorities to a threat of a re-establishment of an injustice system by disregard or circumvent of fundamental human rights. Those who bending today the law depending on preferences and willfully violating the letter of the laws, will tomorrow undoubtedly apply again those monstrous violations of human rights, whose sinister shadow still hovers as a dark shadow over the German presence. Again as once, the culprit will than again rely on their called mere duty and will justify their practices of bending the law or abuse the rights as arranged by higher instances. To let it not happen again is for the author a mandatory obligation to our disastrous history

The German judicial system intentionally ignores that legal peace and legal certainty can occur only, if compared to individual fundamental right holders simultaneously the inviolability of its freedom rights in accordance with article 1 paragraph 2 of Constitutional Law will be ensured or will be restored through reversal by the consequence elimination due to illegal violation of fundamental rights in accordance with article 19 paragraph 4 sentence 2, half-sentence 2 of the Constitutional Law.