Sonntag, 29. November 2015


Some visitors may be surprised that the documentation was not promptly published to underlying occurrences! This could only be answered that an early release of the documentation would have prevented the project. The supposedly constitutional German legal system would ensure with interim disposal in such case that such documentation would never see the light of the public.

In such cases it doesn't matter whether an announcement of a publication would contain topics which might appear to others in a possibly adverse public perception. Probably knowing, that such practice would have no justification before the European Court of human rights, the German judicial system nevertheless wielding the cudgel of interim disposal with threat of exorbitant prison terms and huge fines, to nip such attempts already in the bud. The intention behind such a practice is probably to refuse citizens by intimidation legitimate human rights and thereby aiming to pretend not to bend the law or disregarding human rights in order to cover the appearance of rule of law. By applying of this practice the German judicial system apparently assumes that individuals prefer to dispense on entitled human rights, in order to avoid mental stress and associated fears on such proceedings. The German judicial system contributes this culture of looking away, which historians identified as major cause of the monstrously occurrences of the 20th century.
This practice of the German judicial system of imposing also the costs of the proceedings to defendant in addition to threats of exorbitant prison terms and huge fines, causes that individuals who can not rely on support of a noticeable lobby or grouping will be forced to silence about whistle-blowing or their suffering. According to my sense of Justice contradicts such practices to any principles of rule of law and rules of democratic order since it grants only to those mighty institutions like press media the right to freedom of speech, who can't be silenced without public attention by German judicial authorities. However the German judicial system ignores thereby, that the right of freedom of speech is a fundamental human right for every individual, which was manifested to never let happen again the monstrous occurrences of the 20th century. The German judicial system undermined thereby systematically the ethical and moral obligation of preventing effectively a possibly re-establishment of an injustice system. It doesn't matter whether this will be caused by willingly or unthinkingly acting.
To avoid this risk of preventing the publishing by the German Judicial system, the author had to implement in secret the realization of the documentation, in order to publish it at a stage where the suppression by judicial authorities will not be possible any more. The documentation indicates the claim to draw attention to grievances of the underlying occurrences in order to call the justification into question and intend an ethical and moral consideration of their practical application in the society. Also, the documentation
intends to convey for others within similar life situations a decision aid to prevent their own life crises. According to the author's opinion illustrates the underlying occurrences quite parallels to the disastrous German history, whose repetition as a result of unreflective acting must be prevented.